great pond

Backyard Aquaculture

This 15' long fish breeding set-up costs only a few hundred dollars. Fish will reproduce and survive all year while you remove the larger ones for eating. This is an 800 gallon pond (8' across, 4' high). The filter is a 50 gallon container (garbage can) that releases clean water pumped in by a small magnetic pump. The released water come in from the bottom, and is discharged from the top of the container so that the cleaned water falls as strongly as possible onto the surface of the pond. This action adds oxygen to the pond water.

The filter container has abundant small plastic, ball shaped pieces with lots of crevices for the healthy bacteria to thrive and collect the biological matter that comes from the pond as the water is pushed through.

A second pump for pumping air into the pond is important to keep much oxygen in the water as the fish population grows. Both pumps require very little electricity. All pumps whether rated for outdoor use or not, should be protected from rain, snow, debris like falling leaves. Keeping the pump clean and protective keeps fish breathing!

Illustrations courtesy of Air Diffusion Systems

A viable ecosystem is based on the principal of self sustainability. Though man has invented a vast array of methods and technologies, we still find that by working side by side in harmony with natures own methods we can achieve success in sustainable living. Bottom oxygenation is one of the primary methods of sustaining a cohesive ecosystem. By introducing biodegradable waste into an environment and enriching this waste with oxygen we provide food for bacterias, mollusks and other bottom feeders. Larger creatures then eat these bottom feeders and create more waste while releasing co2 into the ecosystem. This c02 is used by plants such as algae who feed on it and release their own waste, oxygen.

Air Diffusion's unique aeration system insures best quality air and movement with scalability for pump economy and efficiency.

Lanikai Farms, LLC
20 North Lanikai Place
Haiku, Maui, HI 96708

Phone: (808) 572-2269
Fax: (808) 573-1603

This material was prepared by Lanikai Farms under Award NA06RG0436 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of Lanikai Farms and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Department of Commerce.
© 2025 Lanikai Farms LLC, All Rights Reserved.
Photo credits - Lloyd Fischel